The kindness of strangers
Another morning, another swimming neighbour, and another love lost. This one was killed in a motorcycle accident. She waved goodbye to him, on the steps of a house they had just finished renovating, never to see him alive again.
Up close and personal with Cary J Hansson
Getting up close and personal with Cary, she’s shared with us some of her more personal stories navigating through divorce….and from what it seems, she’s come out of it even stronger….her writing was her therapy. T
Interview with the Wonderbirds
Watch Cary‘s interview wih the inimitable Wonderbirds
The hardest heartbreak
Once the bond is broken, it’s broken. Life gets in the way for us all. Inevitably, we grow apart, do things our friends may not approve of, keep secrets from them, prioritise others, hide vulnerabilities or jealousies and before we know it, we’re heading in different directions.
The truth about having a baby at forty-four!
Who wants to be simultaneously dealing with a hot flush and a dirty nappy when you could be pouring a martini and watching Bridgerton?
My writing process
I wonder if anyone reading this, is aware of the massive, on-going monument to Crazy Horse, a 19th century Native American leader, at Thunderbird mountain, South Dakota? I say ‘on-going’ because the project isn’t finished yet, although Korczak Ziolkowski, who started it in 1948, died forty years ago.
Pushing the boundaries of midlife
Days pass, the world turns and we keep filling up the years … accompanied by a sense of reduction …things that were possible in our youth, now seem impossible.